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DIVE thrives on fairness and honesty from our competitors and studios. Please see the below criteria regarding our three platforms of competition, age divisions, categories, judging, scoring, and time details. Please note that we also offer a photogenic category for interested competitors.

Platforms of Competition



(Eligible to compete in up to 7 Routines)

Introduction dancers are typically new to dance and have been dancing for less than two years. 

Introduction skills may include:

Turns: Single/Double Pirouettes, 1-2 Fouettes or A la Secondes

Leaps: Grand Jeté, Center Leap, Side Leap

Acro/Tumbling: Cartwheel, Round Off, Handstand

Tap: Shuffles, Flap, Ball Change, Cramp Roll

*Limited use of levels and stage



(Eligible to compete in up to 10 Routines)

Advanced dancers are more experienced and advanced than our introduction performers and have between three to five years of dance experience.

Advanced skills may include: 

Turns: Double/Triple Pirouettes, 3-5 Fouettes or A la Secondes, Single leg hold turn 

Leaps: Calypso, Reverse Leap, Tilt Leap

Acro/Tumbling: Front or Back Walkovers, Front or Back Back Limbers, Chin Stand, Aerial

Tap: Wings, Pullbacks, Toe Stands or Toe Stand Turns

​*Moderate use of levels and stage



(Eligible to compete in an Unlimited # of Routines)

Expert dancers are very experienced/seasoned competitors or have five or more years of experience in dancing.

Expert skills may include: 

Turns: 3 or more consecutive pirouettes, 5 or more Fouettes or A la Secondes, Double Leg Hold Turns

Leaps:  Switch Center, Switch Tilt Leap, Leaps with Over Split

Acro/Tumbling: Handsprings, Back Tuck, Multiple Aerials

​Tap: Toe Wings, Double Wings, Single Leg Wings, Double Pullbacks 

*Advanced use of levels and stage


Any duet, trio or groups containing multiple level dancers should place their routine within the level by which the majority of the dancers are in. Routines may include up to two skills in the next level before being promoted up by the Judges/Competition Director.


​We encourage all studio owners and directors to give their best and most honest level placement for each dancer(s) or group. Routines that are visibly Under or Over placed will be moved to the appropriate platform and or category by the Judges/Competition Director and all decisions are final. 


Failure to register a dancer for routines could result in adjudication only for the routine.

Please check each routine carefully prior to competition.


Age Divisions


Mini: 3- 6       Petite: 7-9        Junior: 10-12        Teen: 13-15       Senior: 16-19       Adult: 20+


Ages of performers will be determined as of January 1st. Please drop average decimal for duo/trio and group routines. Any entry containing a performer/instructor over the age of 20, will be competing in the adult division.


Any professional dancers, teachers, assistant teachers, or studio owners over the age of 20 may compete for an adjudicated award, but will not qualify for overall awards. Any routine with someone over the age of 20 will compete in the adult division regardless of the average age of the group. You must be affiliated with a registered studio or school in order to compete at DIVE's competitions.

Exceptions may be given by the DIVE staff only at the time of registration.




Acro- Dance - Classical dance technique with precision acrobatic elements


Ballet - Classical or contemporary ballet technique and no acrobatic tricks


Clogging - Classical or contemporary clogging technique, steps and style


Contemporary - Expressive dance that combines elements of modern, jazz, lyrical and classical ballet


Hip-Hop - Routine consisting of primarily hip-hop technique (street or jazz funk) NO suggestive moves or inappropriate music


Jazz - Routine using jazz technique, style and steps


Lyrical - Interpretation of music using movement, balance, extensions and control


Modern - Interpretative dance using balance and control without structured steps


Musical Theater - Routine portraying a Broadway or movie character/theme, lip syncing is allowed, vocals are not allowed


Open - Routine consisting of more than one dance style, unlimited acrobatic tricks are allowed if connected by a series of dance movements


Pom-Pom - At least 75% of routine utilizes pom poms with dance moves, acrobatics are allowed but no stunts or tosses


Pointe - Routine with classical or contemporary pointe technique and ballet steps, pointe shoes are required


Tap - Routine containing tap steps, technique, and style, no prerecorded tap sounds in music allowed


*Please note that dances containing more than three acrobatic tricks should be entered in either an Acro, Modern, Musical Theater, Hip-Hop, or an Open category. Acrobatic tricks are defined as a dancer's body rotating 360-degrees where the feet or head leave the floor. If all dancers perform the same trick simultaneously or in a ripple, DIVE will count the trick as one. Please contact DIVE directly regarding any question about trick rules.




Our Title Winners are selected for each age division (Mini through Senior) from all solo platforms (Introduction, Advanced, Expert) at every DIVE Competition. Titleists will show wonderful stage presence, give 110% to their routine, and have outstanding showmanship. DIVE Titleists will be announced and awarded during on stage award ceremonies. There is no additional entry fee or registration for our Title Category!



Judging and Awards


Each competition will have three experienced judges critiquing every routine based on technique, execution, choreography and presentation including performance, musicality, overall appeal and costume.


Each entry will be adjudicated and will receive an award based on the scoring system per level of competition.  Overall awards will be presented to the top scoring entries in each level of competition.


Our Judges and DIVE staff will also be looking for but not limited to the following awards Entertainment, Costume, and Choreography. The “DIVE Heart of Dance Award” will also be awarded to at least one routine! This performance will embody what DIVE stands for in performance, passion and creativity.


All solos, duet/trios and groups will be judged on a point system.  In the case of a tie, the Judges will select the highest technical score.  Overall appeal and performance will be averaged if a tie still exists. Each studio will receive a digital video recording of the judges' critiques of their studio's entries.  Judges scores may also be accessed online. All scoring is completed electronically through DanceComp Genie. In the event of technical malfunctioning, judge scores/feedback may be provided in another format and emailed to the studio within a week of the competition. 


If there are 25 or more routines in one platform level and age group, the category may be broken down into smaller age brackets based on each dancer’s birthdate.




                                    Expert     Advanced    Introduction

*DIVE Diamond      300 - 288     300 - 283     300 - 278  

 Diamond                 287 - 279      282 - 274     277 - 269 

 Elite Platinum         278 - 267     273 - 262      268 - 257 
  Platinum                 266 - 256     261 - 251      256 - 246  

 Elite Gold               255 - 245     250 - 240      245 - 235 

  Gold                       244 - 220      239 - 210      234 - 200  




Time Limits


          Entry                    Dancers          Maximum Time Allowed


Solo/Duet/Trio           1 - 3             3 Minute Maximum

                          Small Group              4 - 9            3 1/2 Minute Maximum                     

Large Group             10 - 16         4 Minute Maximum

*Supergroup             16+              5 Minute Maximum

**Production             16+              8 Minute Maximum


*Supergroup- routines may depict a theme/style of dance but should not depict a story-line, plot or narrative.       


**Production - routines must depict a story-line, plot or narrative throughout or have resemblance to a musical, play, film, book etc. Props must stand alone or be held by performers.


Please Note DIVE will allow studios to purchase more time if needed per routine at $5/person for every minute over the time limit.


*Props will have two minutes to load on and off stage for solo, duet, trio, and small group entries. For large group, supergroup, and production entries, props will have three minutes to load on and off stage. If more time is needed, please inform us prior to the competition and alert the stage manager five or more entries in advance.




If you have any additional questions please do not hesitate to contact us at

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